Page name: Adventurer's Tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-07-22 12:40:08
Last author: Kim_Lundin
Owner: Kim_Lundin
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(run by [Kim_Lundin])

As you enter the two-floor building through a plain door made of oak you arrive to a large hall, almost five metres to the roof. Wooden pillars are placed by the walls, more for decoration than functionality, and centered on the wall to the left is a fairly large fireplace. By the fireplace is a small, wine red couch and two small armchairs in the same color as the couch. On the opposite wall is a small door, a sign above the door reads "Portal, ask Kim for tuning".
At the far end of the room you can see a bar made of dark wood and with panels of black ebony. Before the bar are eleven tall chairs, made of the same dark wood as the bar, with dark red padding to make them comfortable and with low backs of wood to stop you from falling backwards if you happen to drink one too many.
Behind the bar is a door leading to the kitchen, the smell of roasting meat and chicken comes from it when it opens. To the left of the bar are wooden stairs leading to the second floor, where the rooms for rent are.
Scattered here ant there in the hall are tables of varying sizes and shapes, once they were standing in order but after countless accidents and small fights the owner has grown tired of rearranging them all the time, so now he just puts them back up where they fall. Around the tables, chairs are placed to offer sitting space, most of them are made of dark oak, but some of them, probably replacements for broken ones, are made of a lighter kind of wood.


Characters currently in the tavern

Kim CHAR - The owner of Adventurer's Tavern
Red Imp (Smutgy) and Blue Imp (Turgen) - [xido]


For past events, read these pasts:
REEEALLY old stuff



-Up the stairs to the Second Floor of the Adventurer's

-Through the door to the Portal of the Adventurer's Tavern (Ask [Kim_Lundin] for rates and use of the Gateway)

-Back to the streets of Irrundanil, outside

-Back to Wiki Fantasy Roleplay


As the place begins to calm down a bit, Kim walks back to his place behind the bar.

Some random passerby opens the door to the tavern only long enough to remember a prior engagement, and swearing to return, releases the door and walks back out.

Kim lifts his head, trying to catch a glance of the person, but the door is shut before he can see anything besides a part of the clothes. "Hmm? Odd..." he mumbles before turning his attention to some of the bottles standing behind the bar 'Lets see, I thought I had more bottles of the Laughing Gnoll... better order some of those.' he thinks.

Turgen hiccups as he slides an empty bottle of Laughing Gnoll behind a nearby window shutter, smiling crudely.
Smutgy laughs hysterically as he does it, which Turgen regards with a vehement shooshing with his finger over his mouth at the other imp.

"Hmm?" Kim looks over his shoulder when he hears the laughter "Now what the..." he notices the two miscievous imps "You two? What're you doing now?".

Smutgy hiccups and looks at Kim with an intent stare.
"We're drinking ale. What the hell else do you do in a tavern?" he replies with both snapping words and a big grin.
He and Turgen break out into laughter at the apparently amusing joke.

"Hah, and I guess you're going to pay for it, you know - like what you usually do when you drink ale in a tavern." Kim sais to the red imp.

"No way, you crazy," Turgen speaks up, slurring his words.

"And stinky," Smutgy says, laughing.

"We broke," Turgen speaks, flailing a wild arm in Kim's directin.

"It's on the house!" Smutgy cries out.

"No, it's on THAT GUY!" Turgen cries out, pointing at Al, the local homeless guy who rarely finds his way out of Adventurer's and who is currently drunk and passed out on the table where he sits every afternoon and night.

"Yeah, that guy!" Smutgy replies, and the both of them fall into a fit of drunken laughter.

"Sometimes I wonder why I haven't let a cleric banish you guys yet." Kim sais with a tired voice "You're not really working hard to avoid that, you know.".

"We's no get banished by clerics," Smutgy sais with a grin and a wave of his arm.

"Yeah, we free entertainment," Turgen, adds, flicking a deck of cards between his fingers in his two hands.

Taking Turgen's lead, Smutgy flicks his fingers to animate a small wooden puppet, which dances around, and with another flick, sets it on fire again. Tootling out some crazy circus music, he bobs back and forth as the small puppet dances, on fire.
Turgen laughs at him for it, then bobs back and forth as well.

"Well, that would be the good part..." Kim sais "... Don't put the tables on fire, I'm the one who has to buy new ones.".

Username (or number or email):


2003-07-16 [Evermore]: Evermore pushes the wooden door open, wipes the sweat from her brow and makes her way towards the bar. "Phew its busy out there! Just a water thanx"

2003-08-12 [Mithrantir]: greetings fellow adventurers of the realms!

2003-08-12 [Mithrantir]: *the long haired winged elf walks in and takes a seat*

2003-08-16 [Kim_Lundin]: Greetings to you to long haired winged elf!

2003-08-28 [sira]: question: do you people like dramatic events, seems to me that in a lot of these supossedly RPG wiki rooms people only want to talk about things that they would do in the present world.

2003-08-28 [sira]: if you want to know what i mean then go to "the apothecary" wiki page and read what [Arctik] wrote, he kinda very bluntly ended everyones RPG fun

2003-09-07 [ta 'hca with zi 'sta]: sira is right I know what you mean

2003-09-08 [Tal Anduril]: I must be getting stronger, my illusions are usually just that, some pretty goods illusions, I've never had one knock things over before.

2003-09-09 [niee]: how do I join a rpg

2003-09-09 [Tal Anduril]: oh it's simple just click the edit page buttom and add Niee the great walks into the room, (your choice on wording though) at the bottom then press submit changes to this page. Does that help? btw do you have a character yet? if not check out the character page, and if you need help with wiki in general go to quick-guide-to-wiki.

2003-09-15 [xido]: The best thing any player could do for a story-based RPG like this, is to act (discreetly, and not more than others) as Game Moderator. A GM is someone who introduces more detailed elements into the sequence of actions. Perhaps, instead of posting what your char says and does, post something in the room that does something shocking, but maybe it only affects YOUR char, momentarily. Another easy way to make things happen is to introduce a

2003-09-15 [xido]: Non-Playing Character, a char that no particular person controls, maybe EVERYONE does, or maybe it's just an animate wall-trinket, or a 10-foot tall pink unicorn from the 'Other Realm', which has come to take you away to a new wiki page, 'the Fluffy Land at wiki'. Maybe Fluffy Land has an odd old Gnome named Festus, who sells a Wal-Mart sized store-worth of Magical and eccentric items, but the store looks like a smurf-hut on the outside, and of about the same size. The hut tends to change locations rather rapidly, appearing and disappearing all over the land, sometimes taking you! Sometimes Festus prefers to ride with his Brother in his Helium-balloon-based rug-store.

2003-09-15 [Saber]: hmmm im v. confused *_*

2003-09-15 [Tal Anduril]: me too

2003-09-15 [Therian]: It's not too's just like the two shopkeepers I wrote into the marketplace.

2003-09-15 [Tal Anduril]: ok

2003-09-16 [xido]: Kim thinks my gnome is Saber.... When's he gonna figure this out? It's funny.

2003-09-16 [Kim_Lundin]: OOH! Sorry sorry! [xido] I must have missread something... terrible sorry. Sorry to you too [Saber]. I think I'm the confused one @.@

2003-09-21 [xido]: crack monkies for the children!!!! Yay!!!!

2003-09-21 [Tal Anduril]: huh?

2003-09-22 [Vyncent Draeg]: Thought I'd say hello!

2003-09-22 [Saber]: Hello!

2003-09-22 [Tal Anduril]: Greetings

2003-09-23 [xido]: ihola, muchacho! Bueno  (great at english, bad at espanol)

2003-09-24 [BadCat]: Erm, yeah I know I'm a bit late... but [sira]'s comment about [Arctik] and his Apothecary... I have to say I fully back that obnoxious ole storekeeper up! Not every wiki participates in the whole RPG blather, and if I had a couple of melodramatic gimps in my store playing at being mysterious, I'd probably kick 'em out too! *grin* Ahem. I... I just had to get that out of my system.

2003-09-29 [xido]: Wait, where's the Dwarf Guild? I want to go....

2003-09-30 [xido]: Sheh is a fine distilled drink, known to anyone who has read the Wraeththu trilogy, by Storm Constantine. In THIS game, it is known to be made mainly by the northerm people of Kiee, the magic-opposing nation beyond the mountains.

2003-09-30 [Kim_Lundin]: Thanks for the info, [xido]

2003-10-02 [skylorewannalee]: *She walks in and sits alone looking around*

2003-10-02 [skylorewannalee]: *she shrugs her shoulders seeing no one and walks out wondering where everyone went*

2003-10-10 [Arctik]: Aw, 'shucks BC...

2003-10-11 [BadCat]: Shucks? Where? Get 'em awaaay!!

2003-10-12 [BadCat]: Gods, I adore your critters, Xido (say it wiv me now...)! I'm in love with Dimble, he's so adorable, and Gbunky is bloody hilarious!

2003-10-13 [xido]: Zee-Doe.....  Yeah, I try.....

2003-10-15 [Elayne]: hi, i am the queen of Andor and I need someone to run my inn. do you have anyone in mind?

2003-10-15 [BadCat]: Me! I'll run your inn! Yeah!

2003-10-16 [xido]: YES!!!!  Let [BadCat]....she's a natural bar-keep!!!  (and bar-seek...*winks*) But you'd have to keep watching this page, though, Catz!!!

2003-10-17 [BadCat]: Wha? Nah, dude, I was only joking! I'm already taking care of two other establishments (with the help of my wonderful co-creators, of course... heh.)

2003-10-17 [BadCat]: Although... it's not like I've got anything better to do. If no one else can be found, I'll be bar-keep... but only as a last pref - that is, if H.M. Elayne wants me! *grin*

2003-10-17 [Elayne]: hehe acutally I need someone to run an inn called The Queen's Blessing. That is the offical inn in Andor.

2003-10-18 [BadCat]: Yeah... tha's wha' we were talkin' about, no?

2003-10-21 [Elayne]: yes, but it would need to be called that and would need to be a "nice" inn.

2003-10-21 [BadCat]: ... define "nice".... *shudders*

2003-10-22 [Kim_Lundin]: Maybe we should put this "murdered man" stuff in its own wiki? So the customers in the tavern don't gets confused...

2003-10-22 [Tal Anduril]: Good idea.

2003-10-22 [Elayne]: nice as in a clean friendly inn, it can get rough, but if it does they could "mysteriously" disappear.

2003-10-22 [BadCat]: Yeah, I agree Kim. Elayne: friendly sounds a bit dangerous, but if you do need someone I'll be willing.

2003-10-23 [BadCat]: Hehe. Hi Andrei, you sexy old devil... *sniggers*

2003-10-23 [xido]: It looks like time to put it all away on a new PAST page, anyways. Just keep the final posting from Andrei, and cut the rest to another past page, like ATpage2@wiki....

2003-10-23 [Andrei]: guess you remember me then (not that I was expectin otherwise)

2003-10-23 [Kim_Lundin]: The "dead man" stuff is moved now... the link is on the top of the page.

2003-10-23 [Elayne]: ok [BadCat], if you want to set up a tavern for Andor go to The Queen's Blessing and start from there.

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